Taylor Swift’s Influence on Me: Mom of Five, Business Leader, Woman

If the story of my life were to hit Broadway or the big screen, I would choose Taylor Swift to play me. I hope to do justice in her eyes — as a female leader and as a mom and stepmom. I strive to be the kind of human she will appreciate…plus, then my daughters might get to meet her!

Let’s rewind: I was late to the game. Early in 2023, I had no idea Taylor Swift concerts were a thing. When I tried to buy tickets for my daughter’s birthday, I was shocked beyond belief to discover they were going for $2,000 each. So, I did the next best thing I could think of — I bought tickets at an international destination. They were a fraction of the cost, and it turned out to be a delightful way to share international travel with my 14-year-old.  We had a blast!

The biggest shock of my trip was falling in love with everything Taylor Swift stands for: hard work surpassing anyone’s expectation, dedication to serving her team, positivity, optimism, standing up for her beliefs, and helping others. Not to mention her undeniable talent! And then, there’s the Swifties: caring, compassionate, kind; trading bracelets, engaging as one big loving friend group!

At 43, I’m not easily star-struck. In fact, I cannot recall a time when I was EVER interested in the life or backstory of a celebrity. But now, I find myself diving into articles written long ago by other celebrities or journalists that were covering her rise to fame, heartbreak, and resurgence.  She overtly loves her family, her friends, and fans. The number of people vouching for her character has astounded me, and the sincerity and authenticity she demonstrates are congruent — making it hard to find any flaws in her character, in my opinion.

Fast forward to now: I have three teenage daughters and two pre-teen sons. My work is often daunting and exhausting, involving travel around the country for keynote speeches, early mornings or late nights for workshops or virtual meetings with clients, and owning and fostering growth for my restaurant. Enter the vibrancy and optimism of Taylor Swift and her music.  Enter the excitement of the comeback story (PS. I have my own Kayne West in my story — he knows who he is). And, insert the allure of the success that a woman driving change in an industry — the fevered pitch of the success and all of the people she’s impacting. It has enraptured my business mind, my service heart, and my ears. 

For the first time in my life, I have an idol. Thank you, Taylor!
From, Me.