The Power of Lifelong Learning

In a world that’s constantly evolving, lifelong learning has never been more essential. It’s the continuous pursuit of knowledge and skills throughout life—whether for personal growth, career advancement, staying mentally sharp, or simply exploring new interests. The benefits are undeniable… and, honestly, learning can be a lot of fun!

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Sara Frasca
The Power of Innovation in 2025: How to Future-Proof Your Business

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from working with organizations of all sizes—from scrappy startups to Fortune 500 giants—it’s this: the businesses that thrive are the ones that embrace innovation as a way of life, not a one-time initiative. As we step into 2025, innovation isn’t just about flashy new technology or creative brainstorming sessions. It’s about resilience. It’s about adaptability. It’s about building a culture that encourages curiosity, rewards bold thinking, and turns challenges into opportunities. Read the blog to learn more.

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Sara Frasca
The Innovation Mindset: Turning Everyday Challenges into Opportunities

Innovation isn’t reserved for Fortune 500 boardrooms or tech startups in Silicon Valley—it’s a mindset that anyone can adopt to navigate life’s challenges with creativity and confidence. Whether you're leading a team, running a business, or managing a household, an innovation mindset allows you to transform everyday problems into opportunities for growth and improvement.

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Sara Frasca
Balance: Finding Your Rhythm

At first glance, balance might seem like an impossible ideal—something we chase but never fully catch. And truthfully, it isn’t about perfection or getting everything “just right.” For me, balance is about presence. It’s about being exactly where I need to be, fully and unapologetically, in the moments that matter most.

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Sara Frasca
The Human Conveyor Belt: Walking Through Meetings

I decided to treat myself to a new toy—a treadmill that sits right under my desk! It might sound like a strange gift to give yourself, but let me tell you, it has been an absolute game-changer. Now, during virtual meetings where I’m not the one leading the conversation, I can walk. Yes, I walk through meetings—and it’s the best thing ever!

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Sara Frasca
Back to School, Back to Routine

For many working parents, back to school year brings a sense of relief and a chance to settle back into a routine. After the long days of summer when your kids are running around the house, asking for things, needing rides in the middle of your workday…getting back to a structured schedule can be invigorating. I’ve always believed that routine is a powerful tool, not just for kids but for adults too. Read my latest blog to learn how I use routine and organization to get myself and my team on track.

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Sara Frasca
The 4 Similarities Between Fitness and Business Coaching: How Working Out Fuels My Career

As a business coach, my primary role is to guide entrepreneurs, business owners, and executives towards achieving their fullest potential. But interestingly, my journey as a coach is deeply paralleled with another passion of mine—fitness. Specifically, the strength and long-term health I seek to gain from working out is an ironic link with my business coaching philosophy. Here’s where the similarities between fitness and business coaching lie, and why I understand my clients now – more than ever!

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Sara Frasca
Leaders Lead: Through Action and Example

As a facilitator of workshops focused on driving business impact, team dynamics and positive disruption, I've come to realize that there is a big misconception on leadership. Most people think that leadership is giving orders and making decisions from the comfort of an office – or the “ivory tower”. But, I see it differently. To me, true leadership is about leading by example, about embodying the values and behaviors we want to see in our teams.

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Unraveling the Tapestry of Artificial Intelligence: A Glimpse into the Good, the Great, the Bad, and the Ugly

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has seamlessly integrated into our daily lives, bringing forth a wave of innovations that promise to reshape industries, revolutionize education, and propel us into a future filled with both marvels and cautionary tales. In this blog post, I'll guide you through the multifaceted impact of AI, exploring the positive strides, groundbreaking advancements, challenges, and the ethical considerations that accompany its swift evolution.

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5 Steps to Dry an Owners’ Tears

I have a love-hate relationship with onions. I love them in soups, and they are a delicious way to season a sauce. But, on the whole, onions make me scared. Scared shitless really. Here’s why: they are the number one most complained about ingredient at my restaurant. For example, if we accidentally get an onion chunk in someone’s Panino when they have ordered “no onions”, all hell will break loose! And, rightfully so!  We custom make each meal, so the preparation MUST be done exactly to plan.  But, onions are sneaky — and they are often the culprit of our errors.

But, in reality, it’s not this root vegetable’s fault. The fault lies in the system. In the training; in the process. The fault lies in the owner, and in this case that’s me!

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Sara Frasca
Taylor Swift’s Influence on Me: Mom of Five, Business Leader, Woman

I have three teenage daughters and two pre-teen sons. My work is often daunting and exhausting, involving travel around the country for keynotes, early mornings or late nights for workshops or virtual meetings with clients, owning and fostering growth for my restaurant. Enter the vibrancy and optimism of Taylor Swift and her music.

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